I don’t know if it’s a political move, or just because they’re darn nice guys, but this week was politician week on News 22. If you were able to tune in, you would have noticed we had Ned Lamont, State Rep. Walter Palwelkiewicz, and Joe Courtney on the newscast tonight.

I think it may be a combination of both. As challengers (except Palwelkiewicz, who’s an incumbent) they know they need all the votes they can get. Which could be why Courtney was in Hurley Hall meeting with people there, and why Tuesday was Lamont’s second time on campus in as many months. From what former anchor Ryan Spain said today, the station he now works at, News Channel 8, would have found it much harder to get such an exclusive.

At the same time, they do seem like they’re pretty good guys personally. At least, I know Lamont was in a very cheery mood Tuesday, a very personable guy.

Now, I wish November 7th would come so I could make my decision!

If you missed tonight’s live airing of News 22, look for it again on Tuesday at 7pm!

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