Really, now. Unless Senate control is decided within the next five minutes or something (not going to happen), this will be THE last one for tonight.
Anyway, could the Democrats pick up the Senate as well? In Virginia in Missouri, the Democratic candidates have claimed a win, and do have the numbers to back up their claims, and both races have numbers wide enough to potentially not change in the next few hours. Tester in Montana has yet to claim anything, but with 64% of precincts reporting, his numbers are also enough to currently claim a win. He’ll probably wait until at least 85% of the precincts before trying to claim anything.
Some of the pundits are a bit shocked at what’s been going on, since it’s tradition to let the loser call up first and concede before the winner goes out and gives their speech. Yet, we have two candidates with (excuse my language) enough balls to try and claim a win before they’ve officially won the race. I agree: they’re ballsy as hell. If McCaskill, for example, were not to win, she’d be pretty embarrassed, I imagine.
Two have claimed to win, and they may well do so, which leaves one that’s really up in the air. Considering that I thought Simmons was going to win with a lessened but fairly comfortable lead (which isn’t happening), I’m not going to attempt to call Montana.
Good night and good luck.