About a week ago, I wrote an entry warning the two major candidates to not become cocky (in Barack Obama’s case), depressed (in John McCain’s case), or downright complacent, given the “inevitability” of an Obama win. Now obviously, I didn’t actually think this was going to happen, but Barack Obama said something the other day that shows he recognizes the danger, and will do his best to not let it get to him.
Here’s what he said, as noted by Chicago Sun-Times writer Lynn Sweet:
“Don’t underestimate the capacity of Democrats to snatch defeat from
the jaws of victory,” Mr. Obama said. “Don’t underestimate our ability
to screw it up.”
The idea of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory has a long history with the Democrats. It happened to John Kerry in 2004. Obama doesn’t want it to happen to him.