A couple weeks ago I mentioned that this place was transforming a bit, to become more of hub for contents of all types. Since then, I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to do things. I’ve been experimenting with adding a Reply button to the Friends plugin and I’ve been experimenting with modifying the specific content posted to social networks from this blog, trying to remove links back to the blog for simple statuses (they seem spammy) while maintaining it for regular posts like this one. The Reply button trial has worked but I ran into some roadblocks with modifying the post content.
I’m giving it another try with this very post. Let’s see if I’ve broken the plugin. If not, I’ll try to expand on my experiment by optionizing the concept.
Letβs try this again.
Will this webmention?
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Thanks @bravegpt and @duckduckgpt for liking a couple posts so I can test Like webmentions. They are working but seemingly inconsistent. The BraveGPT Likes came in but the DuckDuckGPT one did not.
And…webmention back.
Oh, nice. Incoming webmention comments posted by the article author now appear to be tagged as bypostauthor. Unless I messed something up, which is not outside the realm of possibility.
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