A’ight, one more time trying the BSky cross-poster tonight before I pack it in.
Category: Social Activity
Assuming last time’s failure wasn’t a fluke for the cross-poster…
Testing to see if I have any PHP skills at all and my changes still work, or if I need to go back to remedial classes.
Been wanting to get back into programming in #PHP for a while, so I took the opportunity to slightly modify an extension that cross-posts from #WordPress to #BlueSky in order to fix an issue it had with authentication after the initial configuration. So far it appears to be working!
Dear YouTube: Please fix issues with the back button breaking in some situations! It’s annoying to have to go either open in a tab and go back to the front page, or search again when I want to go back and play the last video again.
Yay, I can use Pinafore again! Thanks @alex
Quickly checking the BSky cross-posting status now that I’ve reinstalled.
@BeAware Thanks for the boost! I am using the latest update, but to clarify, I’m trying to reply to someone else on Mastodon (or another Fediverse platform) with a new WP post, but when it gets to Mastodon / the other platform it doesn’t display as a reply to their post. This worked fine before the latest update so I do wonder if there’s a conflict raised by the update or if maybe the reply just hasn’t yet propagated outward to other servers. I’ll raise an issue on GitHub if it persists.
To those who use the #WordPress #ActivityPub plugin and also are using the #PostKinds or #IndieBlocks plugins as a way to reply to toots: Or is it just me or has anyone noticed that recently (last week or so, maybe longer) #Mastodon isn’t threading the incoming reply?
It may just me. My integration seems to fail a lot in various ways, whether it’s my posts not being sent onward to inboxes or the Post Kinds URL metabox sometimes not saving URLs for replies or likes, but I’d like to see if there’s some larger issue going on.
@mikewmerritt@masto.ai Yes, I finally did!