Anybody ever have a retro moment? I have, because suddenly I have the urge (and it is somewhat painful to admit this at 19) to find and watch some old Power Rangers episodes. That show rocked! I watched up until the end of Lost Galaxy, and then I lost interest. Or maybe it was something about becoming a High School Freshman that made being a PR fan “uncool.” I don’t know…I’ve just been reading up on it for the past hour or so, and was interested to learn that the character of Tommy Oliver (the evil green…then later good green…then later white…then later red…ranger) comes back in the 2004 series. Anyway, I digres…
Yes, so going to sleep late and waking up at 4 or 5pm this weekend hasn’t really been a good thing for me. This is because it’s Monday, and I need my wits about me to study for my two cumulative exams that I have tomorrow. This should be an interesting day…