I would like to say that my weekend was pretty awesome. Well, not weekend, since it all happened on weekdays, but I digress.
On Thursday, as I’ve been mentioning for the past couple of entries, I went to New York City to see The Colbert Report. It was awesome because though we had to stand to see the show, we were able to go backstage. It gets better. I got to meet Stephen Colbert, who is just as energetic off the camera as he is in front of it. Didn’t do too much talking, but got to shake his hand and complement him on a good show.  He seems to be a very nice guy (some people can be real asses when they get off camera). Given that he took the time to greet the people backstage both before and after the show says a lot about him, I think.
Besides Colbert, didn’t actually do much in the city. Walked around Virgin Megastore before having dinner before the show. Got to sample this wine at Olive Garden, which was not very good, to be honest. Then, after the show, we’d planned on going to an ice-cream place, but ended up at McDonalds, since the others of my party were hungry for food. I just wanted dessert, so I got a hot-fudge sundae.
The next day, ate at a local diner called MaryBill. Good food, but a little greasy, and I’m not sure my Crohn’s agreed with that. Of course, could have been the chicken parm from later that day. Speaking of which, got to meet my friend Adam’s friend Adam again, and we had dinner at the restaurant I was supposed to go to almost two months ago. It was pretty good food I must say. Afterward, I viewed a finished episode of Expedition Season 4 (freakin’ awesome!) and helped edit another one (well, provided suggestions).
Then today, not so much. Came back, went swimming, perhaps drank one too many with the Mike’s Hard Lemonade I had, since I feel kind of strange right now. Never had three drinks in one day before, though I tried to space them apart.
Today, I just have a graduation party for a family friend. Should be good, though I’m not paying $5 to swim in the lake. I can do it for free at my grandparent’s house.
P.S. Final day at 3 was great! Got to go out with one of the photogs again, and this time, he let me shoot footage! Not sure if what I shot aired, since the only VO I was able to catch, I’m not sure if any of the footage was mine. Still, had an awesome last day.