You know it’s a good day when you wake up, intending to cover the Health and Wellness Expo your university is putting on, and come out of the expo with not only footage from that, but also a gain of an interview with U.S. Senatorial candidate Ned Lamont and Connecticut state Repesentative Walter M. Palwelkiewicz.
I was so surprised to see Lamont and Palwelkiewicz there, and knew that me and the reporter I was working with had to get an interview. This just isn’t something you can pass up when you have a camera on you. So, we quickly thought up a question, and got our rears in gear over to where he was situated. He agreed to the interview, and we just did it. It turned out somewhat more political than I had intended, so we’ll need to cut some parts out to not appear biased. Palwelkiewicz’s interview had a little more meat on the topic of our question, though.
Still, I’m not complaining! A interview with a candidate of one of the hottest races in the U.S.? Hey, give me Lamont, give me Lieberman; heck, I’d take Schlesinger for an interview on the same question. I was just happy to get it.
If you live in Windham/Willimantic, CT, and you have Chater cable, you’ll be able to see the interview (among other content) LIVE on the News 22 newscast Thursday at 7pm on channel 22.