Well, there are literally three towns left to report fully: Waterford, Westbrook, and Enfield. The first two have not reported anything yet, but Enfield currently has Courtney winning. Seems to me it’ll be up to first Enfield (with Courtney seemingly poised to win it), and next Westbrook.

Of course, even after all of this, there is the possibility that the losing candidate could contest the results. And, with 421 votes currently separating them, I would not blame either candidate for doing so.

In Senate news, Republican Bob Corker seems to be poised to beat Democrat Harold Ford, Jr., meaning the Democrats need to win all three remaining seats to control Congress completely.

Maybe I don’t know about the Senate, but I’m a bit perplexed. CNN keeps saying they need three seats to win control of the house. Other figures I’ve seen say 51%, which makes sense. However, the current Independent and Joe Lieberman count now as Independents. So, the Democrats have 46. If they get three more, they’ll have 49, and the Republicans 50, technically making the Republicans have more, right? But, neither would have the 51 seats needed to claim control.

Are the Independents being counted as Democrats since they caucus with them? I’m a little perplexed there. CNN is currently claiming 48/48, and if the Democrats get three more, they’d have 51, with the Independents. So, does this mean they’d kind of have to make a coalition government? I’ve never heard of this before, but have only really been following politics since 2000/2001 or so.

Can someone please answer me?

CNN is calling it, saying the Dems will win back the house. The Senate is still up for grabs, with each party constantly neck and neck, with leads from each every now and then. I’m not sure I want to know what’ll happen if they tie, which seems unlikely. But, it’s going to be hella close.

Back in Connecticut, Lieberman has won, Larson and DeLauro have won since before the primary, Johnson has lost her seat. However, Shays and Farrell are pretty close, though I fell Shays will pull through in the end. The real surprise is Simmons and Courtney. I thought Simmons would have it pretty much in the bag, but they’ve been neck and neck ALL NIGHT LONG. This is one of them that won’t be called tonight, and if either want a recall, maybe not for several days.

More to come…

At this hour, Lieberman, Shays, Simmons, Larson, DeLauro, and Rell seem to be keeping their seats, although Joe Courtney has been flip-flopping every few minutes with Simmons. At risk of losing their seat the most is Nancy Johnson, in which district Chris Murphy is doing extremely well.

Nationally, Democrats seem to be poised to take control of the House (108 to 88 according to CNN), and the Democrats are not doing so bad in the Senate either (tied right now). They’ve had a gain of three seats in the Senate, and need three more to take over. It could get very interesting in the coming hours, particularly with the Senate. I’m definitely going to be keeping my closest eye there.

Just got back from voting, so I thought I might take a little time to update. In my previous entry, I made my predictions, and I’ll stand by them for now…at least until the results start coming in.

I found a pretty cool way to get to the polls today: limo ride! The Campus Democrats sponsored the event, in which eligible voters were able to ride a stretch limo to the local Windham Middle School, the location of the polls for campus registrants.

I ended up changing one of my votes last minute. I was leaning toward Rob Simmons for the U.S. House 2nd District, but I changed it to Joe Courtney. Overall, I voted for mostly Democratic candidates except for Governor, in which Rell did indeed get my vote.

I will be back here from about 5-7, and then at least 9:45 to midnight, to update with current results, who’s calling what, and if I think they’re right or wrong and more! Stay tuned.

Man, was it an unlucky weekend. I went home to visit the family and wash clothes. First, the washer broke before I could put in my clothes. So, my family and I went to my grandparent’s house to do the laundry. Halfway through the second load of clothes, the power went out! Wasn’t only us, though. Part of Manchester, and much of South Windsor and the surrounding area went out as well. Luckily, the power came back on soon after.

Then today, I find out that I’ve been working too many hours. Since I’m on Work Study, I get paid a certain amount of money per semester: $1300 in my case. Well, if I work 12 hours for a week for the rest of the semester, I’ll get paid about $250 over that. Well, the university has really been cracking down on expenditures this year (three new buildings in as many years, go figure), so I need to find some way to cut down 29 hours so that I’m not overpaid. While I understand the reasoning, it’s a bit bull, since I’ve been on work study for three years and have never had a problem with this. Add that to the fighting my supervisor had to do with student employment to let me take the position, this has not been my year for a friendly student employment office.

Then, on my way to the dining hall, I fell down near the Sports Center. So, now I had a foot in pain and a cut to add on to everything else. The faint light in the distance was the copy of Old School I won during the showing of Talladega Nights tonight! So, that was good.

So, Election Day tomorrow! Final predictions in the extended entry…
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So, I’m minding my own business one day, when I suddenly get a call. I look at my cell phone window, only to see the caller is from a Restricted Number. This kind of thing irks me, but to be polite, I answer. After my traditional “Hello,” I am greeted by a voice telling me it has a message about the political campaign in my area, followed immediately by an attack ad on Democratic Congressional candidate Joe Courtney. In the following weeks, I will get the same call again, sometimes multiple times a week! I knew I couldn’t possibly be the only one experiencing this, but now I’ve found out how bad it is.

According to WFSB.com, many Connecticut voters have been complaining of receiving cell phone calls from the National Republican Congressional Committee. Their primary gripe appears to be the fact that these calls take up the valuable minutes they have on their plans. Way to go, Republicans. If you want to do anything to turn off voters from your candidate, call them on their cell phone and use up their minutes…multiple times! Never mind the fact that cell phone users are complaining, anybody would have a right to rant if they were getting harassed by such callers! At first, I thought the messages were directly from the Simmons campaign until I actually listened through the entire message one day, only to find out it’s from the NRCC. Still, I’d bet some people are getting fed up with him if they’ve been receiving these calls, like I have. They might assume Simmons is endorsing these calls, and change their mind on how they want to vote. That sure is some tactic to sway people to your side!

Now, I have my cell phone listed on my voter registration, since frankly, that’s where I can be contacted while I’m at college, so maybe I have no right to complain. However, I think the Republicans are overdoing it with the volume of calls. They need to far be less intrusive if they want people to keep considering their candidate. I know people get annoyed enough by telemarketer calls. Well, there’s a whole lot more they can do to react to these messages. Like, vote the associated candidate out of office!

Now, because I risk seeming like I’m bashing Republicans, does anybody know if the Democrats are doing this anywhere? Maybe in a district that is covered by a House Democrat, like John Larson or Laura DeRosa? If so, that’s just as bad. So, if you wish to stop receiving calls from the NRCC, call 202-646-6412 and request that your number be removed from their list. It may be a mute point now that we’re less than a week away from Election Day, but it might help.

The local news station aired a debate between the three Connecticut Senatorial candidates, Ned Lamont, Joe Lieberman, and Alan Schlesinger

I can honestly say…I’m not sure who won. I was impressed with some ideas from each candidate.

Oh, lord. Who oh who will I vote for November 7th? I’m still not sure. I’m still leaning somewhat toward Lamont because of Lieberman’s arrogant comments. I’ll never go toward Schlesinger, so there’s one guy who’s eliminated. Still, I don’t know. :-\

Feel free to discuss.